Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Did It!

Hello Again,

As you know my competency and unit exam were today. I passed my competency and the unit exam turned out to be harder then expected, but I will not find out that grade until next Wednesday. So, my fingers are crossed and I am praying BIG TIME!

The competency went well and I chose a random card with 2 easy things to do. I was extra excited to have gotten the skills that I did. I was nervous as hell and nerves are often the downfall of the people that fail the first time around. I had to perform a sterile technique and I dropped all my extra supplies on the floor....that makes them non-sterile. Then I had to open up a total of 3 sterile kits because I kept messing up and contaminating everything. At one point I started to shake and seemed to loose the ability to breathe because I was at a stand still and did not know what to do next. Finally, my rationalizing portion of my brain kicked in and I was able to critically think about the steps I had to take to get through it. All of my friends made it through with success thus far, but our success resulted in a day full of laughter. Laughter is a good thing especially when it comes with nose snorting (Oink).

I don't know what I would do without the friends that I have made at school standing by my side. The are my counterparts and pull me through a little more then anyone else because the know what I go through on this endeavor through nursing school. I am extra thankful for having met them and bonded the way that we have. Then I get to come home to Mae and my kids and get a different kind of support but still the support that I very much need in my life...LOVE. There is nothing like Love from all areas of your social circle.

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